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Are you pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant? If so, you’re probably expecting a number of changes, but did you know that your teeth may change as much as your body? Similarly, had you heard that it’s vital for you to protect your oral health in order to protect the health of your baby?

As you probably know, during pregnancy, you’ll have to deal with a number of hormones. Sadly, did you know that these hormones could cause a number of problems? For example, during pregnancy, you’ll be more susceptible to gingivitis. Unfortunately, your body will react to plaque differently than it normally would. Ultimately, this reaction may lead to inflammation. Furthermore, with morning sickness, you may have more acid in your stomach, and if you vomit, your enamel may wear down.

Similarly, if you have gingivitis, or are dealing with tooth decay, you’ll be more likely to give premature birth. Similarly, if you’re dealing with these issues, you’re also more likely to give birth to smaller children.

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to keep your teeth healthy and strong—and to avoid these issues. Naturally, you should remember to brush and floss regularly. We also recommend visiting our dentist for a routine checkup. From there, our team will be able to offer you tailored advice.

If you would like to learn more about the care you can receive from our team while you’re pregnant, please feel free to contact Barron Dentistry at 817.732.1626. Dr. Barron and our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you soon.